How Product Managers Can Deal With Product Name Changes

Just image this scenario: you’re sitting there at “mid-sized company, Inc.” when one day your boss walks up to you and says “we’ve just been bought by really-big-company, Inc.” Ok, you say to yourself, how much of a big deal to my successful product can this be? Well one thing that you may not have … Read more

Driving Lessons: Product Mangers Learn To Ride The Economy

The Dow Jones Average plunges 700 points in a day. Then it rises 500 points the next day. Your best customer just suddenly goes out of business one day (Enron, Lehman Brothers, Circuit City, etc.). Sure seems like no Product Manger could ever learn to deal with the worst economy in a generation… Wrong! Our … Read more

Web 2.0 Rules: Sell, Sell, Sell (Or Not)!

Come on, ‘fess up -  you have just a little bit of a salesperson living inside of you. On those occasions that you get in front of a customer, you can hardly help yourself from launching into a “sales mode” and trying to convince the customer that they need your product. Now that the Web … Read more

Product Mangers Need A Dictionary In Order To Make Money

One of my favorite lines from Steve Martin’s stand-up act goes like this “What’s up with those French? It seems like they have a different word for everything…” Perhaps many of us Product Managers have some French blood in us because it sure seems like we often get accused of willy-nilly making up new acronyms … Read more

Why Chatty Product Managers Do Well On The Web 2.0

Boy, oh boy do I have a story for you today. I’ve been working with one of my customers who has decided that they need to improve how they communicate with their customers. Having read all of the industry rags, they’ve decided that they need to set up a social networking site for their company … Read more

Networking 101 For Product Managers

I don’t care if you’re the best Product Manger this world has ever known, you may still find yourself without a job sometime – especially in this economy. Yeah, yeah we all know that we should have been networking like crazy all along; however, the sad truth is that all too often we neglect this … Read more

Web 2.0 Product Management: It’s All About Participation

As a product manager you know that you should be using shiny new Web 2.0 stuff to market your product. However, the sticky question is what exactly should you be using and, oh by the way, just how should you be using it? Traditional marketing has always been pretty much a one-way street – you … Read more

Internet Job Hunting Tips For Product Mangers

In these tough times, even  Product Mangers may find themselves out on the street looking for a new job. Over at the Cranky Product Manager blog, there has been a fast moving discussion about what to do when you find yourself “between jobs”. One topic that has not been dealt with has been what Internet … Read more

The Accidental Product Manager Reading List

Congratulations – you are a Product Manager. Now how do you stay on top of your profession? We all know that the world keeps changing and the skills and talents that it takes to be a product manger keep changing with it. The challenge that we all face is how do you become a better … Read more

Product Manager Tactics: Bringing In A Price Fighter

Times are tough. Your product, your baby, is struggling. New competitors are showing up in your market with lower cost alternatives. Try as you might, your sales teams are just not having any luck convincing your customers to shell out the extra bucks for your Cadillac product. What’s a product manger to do? Lots of … Read more