Video: Let’s Go Job Shopping What A Product Manager Needs To Have On Their Resume

As the global economy starts to improve, Dr. Anderson takes a look at what product managers who are looking for work and working product managers who are looking for a better job need to have on their resumes. Dr. Anderson reveals the 3 things that need to be on every product manager’s resume if you … Read more

Should Product Managers Consider Getting A Hybrid MBA?

Product Managers have long struggled with the idea of getting an MBA. Sure, it seems like a good idea, but who has the time or the energy to haul yourself off to some college campus several times a week to attend classes. There are those “online” universities that let you get an MBA online, but … Read more

Is Your Product Manager Resume Blackberry Ready?

When you go hunting for your next Product Manager job (and it may be sooner than later), will your resume be up to the job? Come to think of it, when was the last time you dusted off and updated your resume? Do you still have that quaint “objective statement” or “career goal” hanging out … Read more

Product Manager Resume Creation: Back To The Future?

It is the time of year that a product manager’s thoughts turn to … searching for a new job? During the global recession, things were so bad for so long that most product managers were just trying to hold on to the jobs that they already had. Now that things appear to be slowly getting … Read more

Product Manager Job Hunt: Do You Have The Cover Letter Covered?

When it comes time for you to go looking for your next Product Management job you’ll be facing a major decision. I’m not talking about if you should use online resume services or go with a headhunter. I’m not even talking about if creating a more technical or a more business-focused resume is going to … Read more

To Get Your Next Job, You Need To Know How Firms Hire Product Managers

So what’s your job status? You either currently have a job (yea!) or you are looking for you next one (yea!) There is no shortage of job search advice out there on the Internet and otherwise. They’ve pretty much said all that there is to say about resumes, dressing nicely, researching the company, etc. How … Read more

Let’s Go Job Shopping: What A Product Manager Needs To Have On Their Resume

As the global recession starts to fade away, product managers who are searching for a new job are starting to feel some new hope and product managers who still have jobs are starting to get the itch to take a look around at what other opportunities there might be out there. Sounds like it’s time … Read more

Internet Job Hunting Tips For Product Mangers

In these tough times, even  Product Mangers may find themselves out on the street looking for a new job. Over at the Cranky Product Manager blog, there has been a fast moving discussion about what to do when you find yourself “between jobs”. One topic that has not been dealt with has been what Internet … Read more