What Can Facebook Teach Product Managers About Reaching Customers?

I’m pretty sure that by now just about everyone out there has heard about Facebook. Facebook is the largest social networking platform going these days. What a lot of us may not know about is the fact Facebook employs a lot of product managers whose job it is to help customers advertise on Facebook. This … Read more

Is Offering Your Customers Bait Ever A Good Idea For A Product Manager?

I’m pretty sure that you are like me – you think that based on your product development definition your product is the best one out there. If only your potential customers would buy it, they would be amazed at how well it solves their problems. It’s just finding a way to get them to make … Read more

How To Make Your Product Stand Out In An RFP Response

Please buy my product. No, I really mean it – go out now and buy my product! Sadly, this technique of simply asking your customers to buy your product generally doesn’t work for most product managers. Instead, we have to be waiting in the wings until our customers decide that they need a product like … Read more

Can Product Managers Innovate Too Fast?

Over in the world of IT products, there is a lot of talk going on about “cloud computing”. In a nutshell, what this means is that companies stop buying computers to run their programs on and instead pay other companies to buy computers and then turn their software over to them so that they take … Read more

Are AT&T Wireless Product Managers Getting More Customers The Right Way?

How would you like to have the job of being a product manager at a wireless service provider? Admittedly, it would be an exciting job. Wireless services bring in a great deal of money so there would be no questions about your product being a success, the real question would be what could you do … Read more

When Apps Go Bad: What We Can Learn From Wendy’s Mistake

In the U.S. the Wendy’s fast food chain is well known. They may not be as large as McDonalds or have as many restaurants, but they do all right and I for one really like their salads. However, the product managers at Wendy’s recently got bitten by the mobile application (app) bug and decided to … Read more

Sometimes Big Data Just Isn’t Enough For A Product Manager…

If you’ve had a chance to see just about any magazine associated with your industry lately, I’m sure that you’ve stumbled across an article that was talking about “big data”. There are a lot of different definitions for just exactly what Big Data is, but in a nutshell it’s taking very large data sets and … Read more