Why Product Managers Need To Not Follow Their Development Plans

If you got a chance to sit down with another product manager and share with them what you thought that they would have to do in order to be successful, what would you tell them? I’m thinking that a lot of us would tell them that they needed to make sure that once they came … Read more

Why Batch Size Matters To Product Managers Who Want To Be Successful

Most of the products that we product managers are responsible for are made up of many different parts. Even if you are in charge of a service product, I’m willing to bet that there are a number of different “parts” that go into creating the product that you offer to your customers. Here’s a very … Read more

Why Mentors Are So Important For Product Managers And How To Get Them

When you become a product manager, the reason that you’ve been able to achieve this position is because you know everything that you’ll ever have to know, right? You’ll never make a mistake again and every decision that you’ll make will be the right decision. Correct? I’m betting that you are probably shaking your head … Read more

What Product Managers Can Learn From The World’s Best Advertiser

So who was the most successful ad man in history? I’m not 100% sure, but if you had to line them all up, David Ogilvy would be close to the front of the line. In fact he was so good at what he did that he was often called “The Father Of Advertising”. Clearly this … Read more

What Google Can Teach Product Managers About Finding Inner Peace

Image Credit So product manager, what is your life like these days? Are you dealing with long hours at work, demanding bosses and customers? Internal departments who don’t want to talk to you let alone do what you need them to do? An ever changing product development definition? I guess the concept of finding inner … Read more

Product Managers Need To Understand How To Upgrade Customers

One of the joys of being a product manager is that our products are always getting better. What this means for our customers is a never ending cycle of upgrades. Something that is probably not talked about enough is the issue of how to get your customers to upgrade (although we do this so often … Read more

Product Managers Need To Know How Much Time To Invest In A Prospect

Talk to any product manager and they can tell you, when a new product gets introduced, the product manager becomes a part of the sales team for at least awhile – that’s almost a part of the product development definition. What this really means is that you are going to get caught up in the … Read more

How Should Product Managers Price Their Products In A Down Economy?

How is your product priced? Are you playing a “price it and forget it” game? How about the “price it and then discount it down to whatever the customer will pay” game? You would think that product pricing would be a standard part of the product development definition, but all too often we skip over … Read more

4 Ways Product Managers Can Let Their Customers Make Their Product A Success

Image Credit The one thing that every product manager wants more than anything else in this world is for our product to be a success — this should almost be a part of the product development definition. We are willing to work very hard to make this happen. However, maybe we’ve got it all wrong … Read more