Maybe What’s Wrong With Your Product Is How You Ship It?

As product managers, I think that we all realize that in order for our product to be a success, it has to make money for the company. In order for this to happen, people have to buy the product for more than it costs the company to make and deliver the product. We product manager … Read more

A Candy Bar Teaches Product Managers Lessons About Redesigning Product Packaging

Imagine for just a moment that you were the product manager who was in charge of a candy bar. Let’s say that that candy bar had been invented a long time ago, say 1920 or so, and its packaging was starting to look old. This was never part of your product development definition. How would … Read more

Product Managers Need To Understand How To Upgrade Customers

One of the joys of being a product manager is that our products are always getting better. What this means for our customers is a never ending cycle of upgrades. Something that is probably not talked about enough is the issue of how to get your customers to upgrade (although we do this so often … Read more