What A Product Manager Needs To Know About Analytics

Every product manager knows that analytics is all the rage in almost every company now. The CEO has been reading those magazine articles that say now that databases have grown large enough to hold virtually every piece of product data that the company collects and servers have become cheap enough to throw at any number … Read more

Product Management Mistake: Keeping Busy Is How Things Get Done

Why is it so hard to create new products both on time and under budget? Your management ignores the product development definition process and is always pushing you to get it done while at the same time they never seem to give you enough resources to make it happen. When they push, what do you … Read more

4 Things Product Managers Need To Know About Buying Another Company

As the global economy comes roaring back, more and more companies are discovering that their balance sheets are now loaded with cash. Their investors don’t really want them to be building up stockpiles of money, instead they want the company to be growing. The quickest way for your company to do this may be to … Read more

What Banks Can Teach Product Managers About Targeted Marketing

I’ve got a quick question for you: where do you keep your money? I’m not talking about pocket change, I’m talking about the big stuff – like your last paycheck? If you are like most product managers, you have a checking account and that’s where you keep your money. It turns out that about 25% … Read more

Product Manager Nightmare: The Pipeline Story

Have you ever started something with the best of intentions only to have it go terribly wrong? As product managers, this can happen to us if we don’t keep our eyes open to what’s going on in the world around us. Over at Pipeline Trading Systems (now known as Aritas Securities) the product managers let … Read more

What Product Managers Need To Do To Prepare For Inflation

Just how old are you? If you’re not at least in your 40’s then the concept of inflation is probably something that you may have read about in some long forgotten economics class, but it’s not something that you’ve ever had to live with. Guess what – there’s a good chance that we’re getting ready … Read more

What Volvo Can Teach Product Managers About Not Crashing Their Careers

When I say “Volvo” to you, what do you think of first? I’m willing to bet that some form of the word “safety” comes to mind. Ok, now when I say your product’s name to you, what comes into your mind? Hmm, not quite the same – it looks like your product doesn’t have the … Read more

How Product Managers Can Avoid Going To Jail For Copyright Violations

As product managers we all know by now that social media, in all of its different flavors, is hot, hot, hot. We are being encouraged by our companies to do more social media activities in support of our products: blogging, facebooking (is that even a word?), using Tumbler, and perhaps even spending time on LinkedIn … Read more

3 Steps Product Managers Can Take To Make Innovation Happen For Their Product

“Be more innovative” – how many times has your management told you that? Although being innovative isn’t really part of the product development definition, product managers still want their products to always be ahead of what their customers want. We’d like to be able to have our products solve problems that our customers might not … Read more

How To Get Others To Do Your Product Innovation For You

“Be more innovative” – how many times has your management told you that? Although being innovative isn’t really part of the product development definition, product managers still want their products to always be ahead of what their customers want. We’d like to be able to have our products solve problems that our customers might not … Read more