Product Managers Need To Make The Product Purchase Process Perfect

As product managers, we have a responsibility to our potential customers to make the product identification, selection, and purchasing process as easy as possible. However, all too often we seem to get caught up in trying to use the latest wiz-bang marketing tools that we’ve just read about and we can lose sight of just … Read more

How Roadmaps Can Prevent Product Managers From Getting Lost

Where is your product going to be in 6 months? What features will it have in a year? What is going to make your product different than everyone else’s in 5 years? If you can’t answer these questions, then perhaps you either don’t have a product roadmap or the one that you have isn’t doing … Read more

Why Product Management Is Broken And What To Do About It

Excuse me for just a moment while I look around for my soapbox – oh, here it is. Now I’m ready to share a shocking piece of information with you. Please make sure that you are sitting down. Product Management is broken. It really does not work. Yes, some products are successful, but it’s not … Read more

Product Management 101: How To Be A Product Manager

Ok, I give up. Enough people have been asking me how I do the job of product management, that I now feel compelled to share all of my secrets. Look, there are a lot of different product management frameworks out there and I’ve spent time studying them all. For some very compelling reasons, they’ve never … Read more

Product Managers Need To Learn To K.I.S.S. Their Customers

Doggone it – what do your customers really want? You try listening to them, you try sending them surveys, you meeting them at trade shows, and yet you still feel as though they just don’t quite understand how great your product really is and so they aren’t buying it. You’ve done everything that is included … Read more

Product Managers Know Customers Don’t Buy When You Tell Them Too Much

If you would like to get more of your potential customers to buy your product, what’s the best way to make this happen? If you talked with product managers, I’d be willing to bet that you’d hear a lot of them tell you that delivering more product information to your potential customers just might do … Read more

10 Tips For Solving Common Product Development Problems

If there is one thing that really should scare a product manager, it’s the prospect of using the product development definition to create a brand new product. I mean really, just how likely is that you are going to fail big time? Fairly good if you ask me & that’s not going to look good … Read more

Why Failure Is A Product Manager’s Best Friend

If you got a chance to sit down with another product manager and share with them what you thought that they would have to do in order to be successful, what would you tell them? I’m thinking that a lot of us would tell them that they needed to make sure that once they came … Read more

Product Managers Know To Never Go Hunting With Beach Balls

If you got a chance to sit down with another product manager and share with them what you thought that they would have to do in order to be successful, what would you tell them? I’m thinking that a lot of us would tell them that they needed to make sure that once they came … Read more