Product Managers Get Into To Business Of Christmas Lasers

The Christmas season has always been the time that home owners take the time to decorate the outside of their homes to celebrate the season. What this generally involved was going into either the attic or the basement in order to drag out box after box that contain outside lights and decorations. Once this had … Read more

Is The Best Way To Sell More Books By Giving Them Away For Free?

Let’s face it: selling books is tough work. With all of the other distractions that customers have these days, trying to convince them to buy a book, let alone the book that you are trying to sell, can be very difficult to do. In the world of electronic books, product managers are having to modify … Read more

Is The Trick To Boosting Product Sales To Simplify Your Product Line?

For some odd and strange reason, each and every one of our customers is different from all of the others. What this means for us as product managers is that we often have to tweak our product offering in order to make our product appeal to a specific set of potential customers. If we do … Read more

Why Do The Walmart Product Managers Need Their Own Payment System?

Hopefully everyone already knows that Walmart is a huge company. Just about every city in America of any significant size has a Walmart located in it. The Walmart product managers have a lot of different challenges that they have to worry about, but one that you may not have been aware of is the need … Read more

Car Maker Product Managers Face An Apple / Google Threat

I am more than comfortable admitting that I become lost very easily. Even in my home town where I’ve lived forever, when I’m told to go somewhere and get something, the chances are very good that I’ll have no idea where I’m supposed to go. This is why I own one of those fancy Garmin … Read more

As Athletes Go All-Natural, What Are The Gatorade Product Managers To Do?

Quick question: what happens to a U.S. football coach if his team wins the big game? If you said ″he gets a big container of Gatorade poured over his head″ then you were correct. The reason that this has become such a staple of the sport is because just about every major sporting event has … Read more

Lessons For Product Managers From HBO

We all know who HBO is, right? They are the premium cable television channel that even if you subscribe to cable, if you want HBO you have to pay an additional fee to get. Back in the day, HBO was the place where you could watch recent movies before they showed up in your local … Read more

What Should Tesla Product Managers Do When Your Customers Try To Break Their Product?

Let us imagine for just a moment that you are a product manager who is in charge of a hot product – everyone wants to have one of these things. However, what if once you sold your product to a customer, they started trying to break it? Not only did they do this, but they … Read more

Can 7–11 Product Managers Make People Visit Their Stores More Often?

As a testament to just how ubiquitous they are, if I was to say “7-11” to you, what would be the first thing that flashed into your mind? In some cases it might be a slurpee, in others it might be the iconic sign. No matter, we all have an image that would appear in … Read more

How Can Product Managers Help Sbarro Come Back From The Brink?

I’m pretty sure that at one time or another, we’ve all eaten at a Sbarro pizza store. In my case, I’ve run into them in airports as I’ve been looking for a quick lunch or dinner on the way to catching my next flight. They are also in just about every mall out there. However, … Read more