Product Managers Work To Get Mining Vehicles To Go Electric

If product managers can make mining vehicles electric then there will be many benefits

How would you feel about taking on a challenge? Yes you say? Well good – I’ve got one for you. A very big one. The companies that dig minerals out of the earth have a real problem on their hands. They use a lot of different vehicles to accomplish their work and currently all of … Read more

Product Managers Bring Food Delivery To Small Towns

Now food can be delivered no matter where a customer lives

One of the most hotly contested markets right now is the home delivery of food. In just about every major city, you can see multiple options for getting food delivered to you when you enter any restaurant. However, for those potential customers who live in smaller towns and cities, home delivery of food has not … Read more

Health Care Product Managers Deal With Privacy Issues

Product managers have to deal with patient data privacy laws

Every product manager wants to be in charge of a product that customers want. However, it turns out that some of us have to deal with situations in which our customers want what we have, but they are also afraid to give us what we need in order to deliver our product to them. A … Read more

What’s The Secret To Being A Successful Meal Kit Product Manager?

Meal kit product managers need to find new ways to be successful

The world that we live in is changing and what this means for product managers is that we need to find ways to change with it. One area that is undergoing dramatic changes is how we go about fixing dinner. It used to be that you and I would either eat out or we’d go … Read more

Amazon’s Product Managers Struggle To Make Food Delivery Successful

Amazon's food delivery service is not living up to customer expectations

If there is one new product that is currently red hot, it would be food delivery. There are a bunch of brand new companies that seem to have shown up overnight who are now all vying to deliver food to our houses. Not wanting to get left behind in this booming market, Amazon has decided … Read more

How Independent Book Store Product Managers Survive In The Age Of Amazon

Bookstores can not only survive, but they can thrive in the age of Amazon

If there is one job that most product managers would not want to have these days, it would to be a product manager for an independent book store. I mean really, Amazon showed up several decades ago and pretty much put these guys out of business. Customers have become used to browsing for books on … Read more

Product Managers Attempt To Deliver Food Fast

Food can be delivered to your house, but is anyone making any money?

One of the fasting growing areas in retail right now has to do with the home delivery of food. Just about everywhere that you go to eat, you probably see stickers plastered on the window saying that if you wanted to stay home and eat this location’s food, you could do it by calling one … Read more

Product Managers Are Bringing Robots To McDonalds

Soon you'll be waited on by robots at McDonalds

Pity the poor product managers at McDonalds! They work for one of the most successful fast food restaurants on the planet and so they are charged with finding ways to make their business grow bigger and grow faster all the time. McDonalds is already a fairly smooth flowing operation that has years of experience in … Read more

Product Managers Try To Sell Shots As A Way To Stay Healthy

Wellness shots are supposed to be good for you even if they taste bad

As product managers, one of the most important things that we do is to use our product development definition to create products that our customers are going to want. There are lot of different ways that we can go about doing this. We can place them in attractive packages, we can get celebrities to endorse … Read more