Food Delivery Product Managers Need Steady Customers

The chase is on for customers who will order repeatedly

I can only speak for myself, but it seems as though anytime I walk into a store that sells food, there is some sort of sticker on the door that proclaims that if I’d prefer to have my food brought to me, there is a service that will do it. What a fantastic age we … Read more

Product Managers Prepare To Turn Restaurants On Their Head

Product managers think that they know how to make food delivery more profitable

Restaurant product managers have a difficult job these days. It has always been a challenge to get people to come to your restaurant and spend money. However, with the arrival of food delivery services that will now take a restaurant’s food to anyone’s home, things have become even more complicated and it may be time … Read more

Product Managers Bring Food Delivery To Small Towns

Now food can be delivered no matter where a customer lives

One of the most hotly contested markets right now is the home delivery of food. In just about every major city, you can see multiple options for getting food delivered to you when you enter any restaurant. However, for those potential customers who live in smaller towns and cities, home delivery of food has not … Read more

Is This An Amazon Product Manager Failure?

Amazon is abandoning its restaurant delivery business

I’m pretty sure that by now we all know who Amazon is. They are the very large company that started out as a book seller and over time has morphed into a company that sells just about everything and seems to do just about everything. The Amazon product managers seem to have an almost golden … Read more