We’ve Moved (But You Shouldn’t Care)

Over the weekend I moved “IT Product Management” blog from it’s comfortable home at Google’s Blogger to a brand new home at a self-hosted WordPress site called, www.theaccidentalpm.com. Those of you with sharp eyes may have also notices another small change – I changed the name of the blog to “The Accidental Product Manger“. It’s … Read more

Shall We Talk About Product Pricing?

— Raymond Corey, Harvard Business School Have I ever told you just how much I love pricing? In the world of product management, there are so many talented people that I always felt both jealous and just a little overwhelmed. I mean there are product managers who have an amazing depth of product knowledge, there … Read more

The 3 Secrets To Creating Good Product Requirements

Requirements – don’t we all have a love ’em / hate ’em relationship with them? You can have the best product team in the world, an amazing entrepreneurial spirit, and yet if you screw up the first step in a product launch, the requirements, then you’re basically dead in the water. I’ll probably take some … Read more

How Great Product Managers Keep Their Perspective

There are a lot of Product Managers in the world, the question is what makes some of them great product managers? We’ve been talking about high-commitment, high-performance product (HCHP) product managers and they are truly the great ones. What makes these product mangers better than all of the rest is that they have found a … Read more

Would You Like To Share My Purpose?

One of the key differences between a product manager and a project manager is that a product manager truly needs to motivate others to do work for him/her. A project manager can get away with just reporting on the current status of a project, a product manager needs to make that product successful. High-commitment, high-performance … Read more