Over the weekend I moved “IT Product Management” blog from it’s comfortable home at Google’s Blogger to a brand new home at a self-hosted WordPress site called, www.theaccidentalpm.com. Those of you with sharp eyes may have also notices another small change – I changed the name of the blog to “The Accidental Product Manger“. It’s a bit late in the game to be making changes like this; however, I feel that it better captures the spirit of the blog: we’ve all ended up as Product Managers even though none of us ever set out to be one! Now we just need to find out what it takes to be a GOOD Product Manager…

All of the existing posts and comments have been copied over to the new blog – it is complete. The old blog will continue to exist, it just won’t be updated any more and it will automatically redirect visitors to here.
If I’ve done this correctly, you’ll never see a difference. However, with all things Internet related, there is always a possibility that either I forgot to do something important or just plain screwed something up. If you notice something out-of-wack, please add a comment to this posting. This will help everyone else who might be experiencing the same issue as well as giving me one place to look for issues.
Thanks for your patience as I get the last few move-related bugs worked out of the system. I have a number of very intersting posts coming up so happy reading & commenting!