How Can A Product Manger Create A Job Map For Their Product?

A job map identifies what your customers are TRYING to get done at every step of a task while they are using your product. This differs from process mapping which simply defines only what the customer is actually doing at each step – a subtle, but important distinction. Product managers who take the time to … Read more

How Can Understanding A Customer Job Help A Product Manger?

Last time we talked about “job mapping” how a customer “hires” your product to perform some task. If you can do this well, then you will be able to create an understanding of what aspects of your product the customer likes and is using as well as which ones he/she does not like and is … Read more

A New Way For Product Managers To Discover Breakthrough Product Features

As a product manager, you are ultimately responsible for your product’s features. If you’ve guessed well, then you should have a successful product. If you’ve guessed badly, then you may be sitting on a stinker of a product right now. No matter which situation you find yourself in, you are facing one of the greatest … Read more

Is Being A Product Manager At Coke The Real Thing?

So I just happened to be leafing through an issue of Information Week and I ran across an article that was talking about how IT is run over at Coke. In a nutshell, the article was a glowing review of the changes that Jean-Michel Ares has been making. However, what really caught my eye was … Read more

The Virtual Fence – Where Was The Product Manger?

The Wall Street Journal ran a story today about the U.S. Customs and Border Protection department deciding to put off their grand plans for building a futuristic “virtual fence” between the U.S. and Mexico. The fence is being built by Boeing and was originally designed to cost $20M but has become much more expensive over … Read more

Stop The Madness! A Rational Approach To New Product Development

The IT field can learn a great deal about new product development from other industries.This time we’re going to learn from the big drug firms – they make excellent teachers. If you think about it, we’ve got a lot in common: both industries have to make big bets on unproven projects with the hopes that … Read more

How Do You Know If Your Product Is On Track Or In The Weeds?

As a product is being developed, one of the big questions that a product manager has to continually answer is if the product is on track or if somehow things have gotten mixed up and it’s heading off into the weeds, so to speak. Although this sounds like a simple question to answer, in truth … Read more

Tracking Your Product Development: What Works, What Doesn’t

The job of product management often takes on a program management flavor when it comes to keeping track of how the development of a new product is coming along. It’s probably important that I come right out and say that product management is a completely different job than program management; however, the two worlds do … Read more