The Difficulties Of Being A Swiss Watch Product Manager

Do you wear a watch? I would suspect that the answer for most of us is a “yes” (we’ll forget for just a moment the kids who no longer wear a watch because they use their cell phones for everything!) Now, what kind of watch do you wear? Is it a Patek Philippe? I suspect … Read more

When Apps Go Bad: What We Can Learn From Wendy’s Mistake

In the U.S. the Wendy’s fast food chain is well known. They may not be as large as McDonalds or have as many restaurants, but they do all right and I for one really like their salads. However, the product managers at Wendy’s recently got bitten by the mobile application (app) bug and decided to … Read more

Sometimes Big Data Just Isn’t Enough For A Product Manager…

If you’ve had a chance to see just about any magazine associated with your industry lately, I’m sure that you’ve stumbled across an article that was talking about “big data”. There are a lot of different definitions for just exactly what Big Data is, but in a nutshell it’s taking very large data sets and … Read more

What The Product Managers At Box Are Going To Have To Do To Survive

How great would it be to be a product manager who was in charge of a product that was showing up in the newspapers every day? Box, a company that offers online storage, is preparing to have an Initial Public Offering (IPO) where they will sell stock in the company for the first time. It … Read more

The Problem That Product Managers Have With Super-Sized Products

So how did your product start out? I suspect that your company discovered that a group of potential customers had a problem, created a product development definition to solve that problem and then went out and sold a product based on that. With a little luck, both you and your company were successful doing this. … Read more

The Truth? Your Customers Can’t Handle The Truth!

How much does your product cost? No, I mean based on your product development definition how much does it really cost? Once you account for all of the taxes, installation fees, ongoing maintenance, how much are your customers going to end up paying to use your product? Perhaps even more importantly, how are your customers … Read more

Taylor Swift vs. Spotify: A Product Manager Problem

Guess what: we don’t buy music any more. Nope, gone are the days that we’d go out to the store and pay US$15 for the latest album from our favorite artist. iTunes and downloadable music pretty much killed this market. However, it turns out that something brand new has shown up that is killing iTunes … Read more

3 Tips For Staging A Grand Product Launch

As a product manager, you want your product to be a success. You do your best to understand what your customers will want, you work with your developers to create the right product development definition, and you train your sales teams to go sell it. However, there’s one more thing that you need to be … Read more

Product Manager Secrets For Really Connecting With Your Customers

As product managers, after we create our product development definition our goal is to get as many customers as we possibly can for our product. However, after we’ve gotten some customers, what then? This is one of the things that they never taught us in product manager school: what to do with the customers that … Read more