How Can Product Managers Help Tiffany Once Again Become “Cool”?

What makes a jewelry store cool? The 183 year-old Tiffany’s jewelry store has been cool for a very long time. They’ve been associated with very, very cool people like the actress Audrey Hepburn and that has made them very successful. However, as of late they seem to have lost their cool factor. What can the … Read more

Product Managers Start To Understand The Power Of Online Reviews

When the customers for your product go looking for products online, how do they decide which one they are going to buy? As more and more of us become comfortable shopping online, we are starting to look towards people who have bought a product before to tell us if it’s any good. What this means … Read more

Apple Product Managers Change When They Release New Phones

Let’s talk about the product that you are responsible for. How many different versions of that product are you currently offering? Most of us have a big, medium, small version or perhaps a simple, better, and fancy version. When you create a new version of your product (e.g. version 2.0), what does your product development … Read more

Can Apple’s Product Managers Win Back The Movie Market?

So just in case you didn’t realize it, Apple makes a lot of money from both renting and selling movies. This is all part of their iTunes empire that has been around for a while and has become sort of the defecto go-to location for a lot of people when they are looking for new … Read more

How To Best Meet The Needs Of The Connected Consumer

How to best meet the needs of the connected consumer isn’t just a product managers dilemma, nor just a marketing executive or UX design professionals. To delight the modern consumer your product management, UX design and marketing departments need to work together! At the 10th Annual Open Mobile Summit (November 27-28, SF) we’ll be bringing … Read more

Can Product Managers Find A Way To Make A Better Burger?

I’m pretty sure that we’ve all had that feeling: it’s the “I want a burger” feeling. I’m not sure if I can really describe what it is, but there is a sudden need that we have to be filling our mouths with the rich satisfying feeling of consuming a big burger. The folks over at … Read more

How Product Managers Can Get Kids To Smoke Again

There are many different types of product manager jobs. One of the more, shall we say delicate of these jobs, is that of being a product manager for a major tobacco company. It is your job to get people to consume more of your product – that means smoke more. It turns out that you … Read more

How To Keep Your Monthly Car Insurance Payments Low

Owning a car is a truly exciting and a one-of-a-kind experience. This is especially true when you are young. Not only does it give you the ability to go wherever you want, whenever you want, but it gives you the freedom that you need from your parents. However, finding an affordable vehicle and purchasing it … Read more

What Can Product Managers Do When Burgers Cost Too Much?

Think about it for just a moment: just exactly what goes into making a good hamburger? We’re basically talking about three sets of ingredients: a burger (of course), a bun, and a collection of toppings. Just exactly how much should any of that cost? One upon a time you could go out to a restaurant … Read more

Exclusive Webinar: Providing Customers with Exceptional Connected Experiences

HI fellow Product Managers, The modern consumer is more connected than ever before, using multiple devices and interacting with brands through numerous touchpoints. How brands meet the needs of the connected consumer will be the defining factor in whether they stay relevant and deliver a positive customer experience. Join this exclusive webinar: (09:30am PST … Read more