Product Managers Go Searching For More Kitchen Space To Complete Orders
Restaurants that are running into capacity issues with the increase in home delivery orders are starting to create “ghost kitchens” in empty mall spaces
The Accidental Product Manager
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Restaurants that are running into capacity issues with the increase in home delivery orders are starting to create “ghost kitchens” in empty mall spaces
Product managers need to understand that if one of their partners goes into bankruptcy there is a good chance that they will end up going out of business
Starbucks is starting to experience new competition in China for the delivery of coffee and they need to expand what they are already doing
Product managers for Chinese apps are in the process of trying to expand into India in order to grow their user base
Walmart wants to enter into the home delivery of groceries in order to compete with Amazon but they are finding that it is difficult to compete in this market
Burger product managers are listening to their customers and starting to introduce new chicken sandwiches
Ad product managers are getting excited because a new type of customer, direct to consumer (DTC) has started to buy media ads
Facebook product managers need to get local news to satisfy their customers but because Facebook has captured so much advertising revenue local newspapers are going out of business
The product managers at Altria have made a significant investment in startup Juul in order to take advantage of the popularity of vaping
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