Product Managers: The Fight’s Not Over Until It’s Over

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!As product managers, our job is to do everything in our power to make sure that our product is a success. It would be a wonderful world if only our potential customers would come to us and ask us to … Read more

Lessons From The Front Lines: Product Management At Startups

So here’s my story: at this point in my career I’ve worked for 8 separate companies. Four of them were enormous multinational firms and four of them were startups. Three of the startups that I worked for went out of business and I’m now working at my fourth startup (keep your fingers crossed). If anyone … Read more

Pot In NY: Every Product Manager’s Dream

Can we talk about big, untapped markets for just a minute? In the United States, the very large state of New York recently voted to legalize the use of cannabis to treat a variety of medical conditions. There are all sorts of rules and restrictions involved; however, this is a very big step forward in … Read more

What Should The Box Product Managers Do Now?

So when you think about what kind of product manager job you’d really like to have, what comes to mind? If you are like most of us, you’d like to be working at one of those fast moving Silicon Valley startups that seem to be in the newspaper all of the time. You’d be making … Read more

Falling Stars: What To Do When Your Product Starts To Fade Like iTunes

Can there be any better feeling that that of a product manager who is in charge of a high-flying product? A product that everyone wants and you almost can’t make enough of to satisfy demand? Those sure are great times, but they won’t last no matter how good your product development definition is. Every party … Read more

How Can A Product Manager Make Something Old New Again?

Pity the poor product manager who has been saddled with responsibility for a product whose time has clearly come and gone: the lowly pencil. I mean, here we are living in the age of smartphones and tablets, who needs a pencil and for that matter, could anyone find a pencil sharpener even if they could … Read more

How Product Managers Can Manage A Shift

Many product managers are placed in charge of multiple products. Often, among these products certain products will start to perform better than others. When this happens, it’s very natural for our focus to become fixated on the products and the product development definitions that are doing well and we start to ignore the other products … Read more

Product Managers Need To Learn To Use Ads Carefully

If the product that you are responsible for is going to be successful, then you are going to have to find ways to get your potential customers to notice it. One way to go about doing this is to create ads that work with your product development definition and talk about your product and the … Read more