How Product Managers Can Learn To Think Small

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Just in case you’ve been hiding in a closet or something, Apple introduced a new product back in early 2015: a watch. This was one of the worst kept secrets of all time – everyone knew that it was coming. … Read more

Why Product Managers Need To Know The Big Picture

As product managers we like to work hard. The reason that we like to do this is because we all believe that the harder we work, the more progress we’re going to make. What we are trying to achieve is to move closer to our target of total market domination, unlimited customers, and the ability … Read more

Product Promotion On A Budget

There are a lot of companies that a product manager can work for and it sure feels like I’ve worked for many of them. During my career so far, I’ve worked for four very large international firms and four startups. I can tell you that when I’ve been working for a startup, money has always … Read more

Is Being A Product Manager At Coke Lost Its Fizz?

As product managers the one thing that we’d all like is to manage a product that everyone already knows. In fact, if the product was a part of the popular culture that would be even better. However, if you were selected to be a product manager for the soft drink maker Coke, you might want … Read more

Online Movie Tickets Pose A Problem For Product Managers

When you go to the movies, how do you buy your tickets? I’m willing to bet that your answer was not “online”. Yeah, sure, sometimes if the movie is going to be really popular or if it is critically important that you get your hands on a ticket, then you might go online and buy … Read more

Product Managers And The Need For Pizza Boxes

I like pizza and I’m pretty sure that you do also. However, have you ever spent any time thinking about the box that your pizza comes in? I can tell you that had not, until the big U.S. sporting event, the Super Bowl, came around again and I started reading stories in the paper about … Read more

The US$1,800 Shoe Problem

So here’s a product manager challenge for you. Let’s say that you are responsible for managing a line of high end fashion products. Part of what makes your product line so desirable is that not everyone can get their hands on your product – this is almost a part of your product development definition. However, … Read more

Product Managers Know That If At First You Don’t Succeed…

Ok, so this article is fairly personal. I’ve been trying to get the attention of a very large customer for the better part of a year now and I’ve been met with failure at just about every turn. I’ve tried very, very hard and at times it has seemed like success was just within my … Read more

Pinterest’s Product Problem: Where Are The Men?

In the world of social media, few firms have become quite as large as quickly as Pinterest has – clearly they have a very good product development definition. This social networking site allows visitors to “pin” images that they find on the Internet on their page and then share these pins with others. As a … Read more

Do Bitcoin Miners Need Product Managers?

Have you hear about bitcoins? It’s the craziest thing – people are in the process writing their own product development definition and inventing a brand new currency! This currency has no ties to any government or country. The whole thing “lives” in the minds of the computers who together make up the Internet. The math … Read more