Product Manager Job Hunt: Do You Have The Cover Letter Covered?

When it comes time for you to go looking for your next Product Management job you’ll be facing a major decision. I’m not talking about if you should use online resume services or go with a headhunter. I’m not even talking about if creating a more technical or a more business-focused resume is going to … Read more

Free Training For Product Managers In Chicago: ProductCamp Chicago

David Radzialowski, one of the organizers of ProductCamp Chicago reached out to me the other day and said “Hey, if you think that you’re such hot stuff, why don’t you come and speak at the ProductCamp that we’re putting in in Chicago?” I’m always a sucker for taking on a challenge and so I said … Read more

Up In Smoke: How Do Cigarette Product Managers Do It?

How times have changed! As little as 10 years ago, cigarette smoking was no big deal – lots of people did it. Since then a lot has changed and a lot of people have very strongly held views on the topic. No matter which side of the fence you fall on, it’s important to realize … Read more

Oh, Oh – What To Do When You Don’t Get That Promotion

Things are tough all over. If you were counting on getting a promotion this year, you might want to scale your hopes back just a bit. A lot of product managers are discovering that their career plans are having to be put on hold. Maybe we should spend some time talking about what you should … Read more

To Get Your Next Job, You Need To Know How Firms Hire Product Managers

So what’s your job status? You either currently have a job (yea!) or you are looking for you next one (yea!) There is no shortage of job search advice out there on the Internet and otherwise. They’ve pretty much said all that there is to say about resumes, dressing nicely, researching the company, etc. How … Read more

What Online Dating Services Can Teach Product Manager About Love

Are you looking for love product manager? Even if you aren’t, there appear to be plenty of other folks out there who are and this has created a booming business in the Internet-based dating service business. Now if you think that your product management job is difficult and confusing, just imagine if you were trying … Read more

How To Really Screw Up Your Next Product Manager Job Search

Product managers may be very good at managing a product and making it a success in the marketplace; however, all too often we do a really bad job of looking for our next job. I’m not talking about poorly formatted resumes or even answering questions incorrectly during a job interview. My point is that it’s … Read more

Product Manager Nightmare: Toyota’s Recall & What They Need To Do

What kind of car do you currently drive? There’s a real good chance that it’s a Toyota because Toyota has become the #1 car maker in the world. That used to be all fine and good, and then a little problem popped up. It turns out that a whole bunch of Toyotas are suddenly having … Read more

Product Managers With No Time Find A Quicker Way To Get An MBA

As product managers who live in troubling times we are always trying to do two things: hold on to our jobs and make our product more successful. One of the best ways to do both of these, or so we have been told, is to go out and get an MBA. Well that’s all great … Read more

Let’s Go Job Shopping: What A Product Manager Needs To Have On Their Resume

As the global recession starts to fade away, product managers who are searching for a new job are starting to feel some new hope and product managers who still have jobs are starting to get the itch to take a look around at what other opportunities there might be out there. Sounds like it’s time … Read more