Happy Independence Day — Take The Week Off!

Loyal readers & subscribers, here’s hoping that this upcoming week is a great week for you — I’m taking it off! Blogging will resume next week… For my readers in the U.S., you know that this week is all about family, fireworks and general celebrating. The cause for all of this celebration is the signing … Read more

Mistakes Made By The A380 Airbus Product Managers

The A380 plane was a bad idea that saw the light of day

If you were looking for an exciting product manager job, then being a product manager at the European aircraft company Airbus would probably be a safe bet. Airbus is always locked in battle with the U.S. firm Boeing and both companies sell hundreds of their large airplanes to airlines around the world. At the start … Read more

Product Managers Deal With A Sandwich That Is Too Popular

The Popeyes chicken sandwich is going to return

The dream of every product manager is to be responsible for a product that is so popular that it flies off of the shelves. We dream of the day that we have to spend our time worrying about how we are going to keep our product in stock because it is selling out so fast. … Read more

It’s Memorial Day – Take The Week Off!

In the U.S. it’s the week of the Memorial Day holiday (on Monday). Since a lot of you will be making the most of this 3-day weekend, I’m going to join you and take the week off. Enjoy your holiday and we’ll pick our discussions up again next week, same place, same time! – Dr. … Read more