Product Managers Learn To Deal With Customer Outrage

Product managers need to learn how to deal with angry customers

So what’s up with your customers? Why are they so touchy? It sure seems like customers can very quickly become upset about something that wasn’t covered in your product development, definition and then fly off the handle and be in the streets waving signs and talking with television stations about how bad you are all … Read more

Product Managers And The Problem With Cannabis

The problem with cannabis is that it tastes really, really bad

I can only speak for myself, but if I was a product manager who was put in charge of a marijuana product, I would be very, very happy. Think about it, what does every product manager want: we want our customers to want our product. When it comes to the product development definition for marijuana, … Read more

Pet Store Product Managers Struggle To Find The Love

Pet store product managers are searching for ways to make their stores profitable

I have a dog. I suspect that many of you have pets also. I can only speak for myself, but I sure seem to spend a lot of money on food, leashes, toys, clothes, etc. for my dog. You would think with this need to keep buying things in order to take care of my … Read more

Product Managers Try To Learn Covid-19 Lessons From Hermès Handbags

Hermès purses are in high demand even during the pandemic

Just in case you didn’t know it, Hermès is a company that makes ladies’ purses among other things. Hermès is a French high fashion luxury goods manufacturer established in 1837. It specializes in leather, lifestyle accessories, home furnishings, perfumery, jewelry, watches and ready-to-wear. Just like every other business in the world, the arrival of the … Read more