How Product Managers Can Bring Innovation To Their Products

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!“Be more innovative” – how many times has your management told you that? Although being innovative isn’t really part of the product development definition, product managers still want their products to always be ahead of what their customers want. We’d … Read more

Fast Product Management Lessons From A Porsche 911

This is the kind of story that I really like – it has a Porsche in it! Hopefully everyone know who Porsche is. They are the German car manufacturer who makes ridiculously fast sports cars and then sells them for an awful lot of money. It’s how they go about doing the selling part that … Read more

A Trash Company Show Product Managers How To Do Pricing

How much does your product cost? Is it the right price? Both of these questions are a part of the product development definition. As product managers when we set a price for our products we might also set up some discounting rules, and then we prefer to pretty much leave things alone. However, what if … Read more

Picture Perfect Product Management

Just imagine if you were a product manager who was in charge of film for cameras. Your world used to be great: everyone needed film and so you could improve your product, roll it out, and customers would snap it up (sorry for the pun). However, then along came digital cameras and almost overnight the … Read more

What Starbucks Can Teach Product Managers About How People Pay For Your Product

By now everyone knows who Starbucks is – they are the company that sells coffee, a lot of it, and makes a ton of cash doing it. What you may not know is that they have some very sharp product managers working for them and as they follow the product development definition they are always … Read more

What Product Managers Can Learn From A Handgun

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been working with clients who are trying to enter new markets by copying products that are already being sold. If you want to be a “me-too” product manager, you can do this. However, if you really understand the way that product development definition should be done and … Read more

Product Managers Need To Understand That Loyal Customers Are Not Always Profitable Customers

Every product manager out there would like to have more customers. In fact, the best kind of customer that we’d like to have are those rare and elusive loyal customers. When we are working on our product development definition, we all figure that the more of those that we’re able to pick up, the more … Read more

5 Things That Are Wrong With Your Product’s Business Plan

Love ’em or hate ’em, business plans are a part of every product manager’s life. They should be a part of every company’s product development definition. Because we can’t do it all by ourselves, we need to make use of funding and resources from the company. In order to get what we need, the company … Read more

Product Managers Need To Beware Of The Hidden Impact Of Discounting Their Product

Have you ever given any thought to the damage that you might be doing to your company’s other brands when you slash the price of your product? It turns out that cutting your product’s price might boost your product’s sales, but at what expense? Say Goodbye To Your Margin As a product manager, it can … Read more

How Product Managers Manage A Product That Nobody Needs

What’s the first thing that every product manager learns? Simple, that you have to figure out what problem your product solves for your customer if you want the product to be a success – this is almost part of the product development definition. That’s all fine and dandy; however, what’s a product manager to do … Read more