What Product Managers Need To Know About Going Mobile

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!If you have been out to a mall, driving in traffic, or attended a sporting event lately then you’ve seen that just about everyone had their faces planted into a mobile device of some sort. From a product manager point-of-view, … Read more

Product Managers Learn To Optimize Prices In Order To Boost Margins

So what does a product manager need to do in order to make his / her product more profitable? As I suspect every product manager learned during the last global recession, cutting costs associated with your product is one important step. That’s a nice skill to have on your product manager resume, but it’s not … Read more

5 Tips For Product Managers From The Former Bergdorf Goodman CEO

As product managers we are always looking for someone to tell us how we could be doing our jobs better so that we can look even better on our product manager resume. The problem is that it’s all too often hard to find someone who can give us good advice. Is it our boss? Our … Read more

Why Product Managers Need To Learn To Love Being #2

If you’re a product manager, then you always want to be a winner, right? It’s almost an integral part of our product development definition — you want your product to storm into the marketplace and kick some butt and become #1 overnight. You want to climb to the top of your marketplace and you want … Read more

Product Managers Could Learn To Love Lipitor

It is the best of times to be a pharmaceutical drug product manager, it is the worst of times to be a pharmaceutical drug product manager. Over at the drug powerhouse Pfizer they’ve got a very, very popular cholesterol-lowering drug that they market under the brand name Lipitor. Unfortunately, patents on drugs only last for … Read more

Pens Can Teach Product Managers The Write Stuff

Just imagine if you were the product manager who was in charge of one of the world’s simplest products: a pen. How successful could you be in this era of fancy smartphones and high-tech tablets? I would have been willing to say that your pen product had reached the end of its product life; however, … Read more

Product Managers Need To Learn How To Fail

How do you feel about failing at something? I’m willing to bet that you are just like the rest of us in that you HATE to fail. It turns out that if indeed this is the way that you feel, then perhaps you’ve been missing out on some great learning opportunities. Maybe I should explain … Read more

Product Management Case Study: Pay Phones

I don’t care what kind of product you are in charge of right now, let’s play a game. You are now in charge of a product that all of us see every day: pay phones. What would you do to breathe new life into this dying product line? Everything You Need To Know About Pay … Read more

Product Managers Are Learning The Marketing Power Of One (Database)

All too often Product Managers fool themselves into thinking that more is better. Yes, sometimes this may be true, but when it comes to keeping track of both customers and product inventory, it turns out that using one database is the key to long term success… How Things Can Get Out Of Hand Although we … Read more

Product Manager: Can You Hear Me? How To Get Promotions Right

So there sits your product. Sure, some people are buying it, but your product’s account manager and business development manager sure would like more people to buy it. What’s a product manager to do? Why not do what everyone else seems to be doing – have a promotion for your product? Hold on a minute, … Read more