Product Managers And The Problem With Discounting

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Every product manager out there would like more people to buy their product. Hmm, now just exactly how to go about making that happen? Sure, we need to provide our potential customers with the products that they want, but once … Read more

4 Ways Product Managers Can Use Social Media

I’m always being asked by product managers what the most important product management tools are when you are creating a product development definition. We all know the obvious ones: PowerPoint, Word, and Excel. However, things are changing. Social media and its related tools are talking on increasing importance and as product managers we need to … Read more

Picking The Wrong Product: What Went Wrong With The Nano?

How much should a new car cost? More importantly, if you were a product manager in India where many people don’t make very much money, what would you price a new car at in order to create a product that just about anyone could afford? The product managers at Tata Motors though that they had … Read more

Product Managers Need To Master The Art Of Social Media Listening

As product managers we are responsible for using our product development definition to create products that meet the needs of our customers. However, in order to do that well, we need to do a good job of understanding what our customers want. The good news here is that more often than not, our customers are … Read more

How Product Managers Are Solving The Missing Football Fan Problem

The most popular and profitable sport in the world is U.S. NFL Football (sorry European football fans). However, just because you own a franchise in the most popular sport does not mean that you are generating as much money as you might hope to. There’s always a possibility that not enough people are showing up … Read more

Sensual Product Management: Umm, What Do We Need To Know?

So there is no delicate way to talk about this topic, but I’m going to bring it up anyway. As product managers, we’re often not above using sex appeal to motive potential customers to buy our product. However, what happens if the product that we’re trying to sell is sex itself? Welcome To The World … Read more

Is Social Media Worth The Effort For Product Managers?

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, the list just keeps getting longer. Social media has certainly arrived. As product managers we all realize that these new tools offer us a fantastic way to get in touch with our potential customers and they need to be a part of our product development definition. However, it’s going to take … Read more

Instagram Product Managers Attempt To Do The Impossible

Welcome to the crazy world of social media. You know, the market segment where one day there’s nothing and then the next day there’s a brand new company that is worth billions. The story of Instagram is just like this. This photo sharing social media hub came out of nowhere and ended up being bought … Read more

What The #1 Thing A Product Manager Needs In Order To Launch A Product?

So just exactly what does it take to successfully launch a product? In my product management consulting work, I’ve had a chance to work with a number of companies that had arrived at the product launch stage filled with nervous anticipation. They had already done a lot of work (and spend a lot of money) … Read more

Product Managers Who Spy On The Competition

What do your customers think about your product? Do they like it better than your competition’s product? Did you do a good job when you created your product development definition? Would it be helpful to you to know more about your competition’s product? I’m willing to bet that the answer to this question is “yes”. … Read more