1,000 Product Management Links You Need To Know

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Ok, so first off that’s a complete lie — we’re not really talking about 1,000 links. Although, in my own defense I think that the list will eventually get to contain 1,000 links eventually. A title of “Almost 1,000 links” … Read more

How Product Managers Can Raise Their Product’s Price & Sell More

What do most product managers do whenever their product sales start to decline? No matter if it’s because customers have lost interest or if it’s because a new competitor has just shown up, we all tend to do the same thing:slash our prices. In the new competitive global marketplace this doesn’t work any more. It’s … Read more

Product Lust: Could Desire Really Be A Bad Thing?

Way back when you were just a green product manager and you were still learning the marketing ropes, I’m going to bet that someone once upon a time sat you down and told you that sometimes when there is not enough of your hot product to meet customer’s demand, this can be a good thing. … Read more

Lessons From Starbucks’ Product Managers: How To Protect Your Product’s Rear

So there you are product manager, sitting on the top of the world in charge of the #1 selling brand of coffee and you’re pulling in something like $4 a cup. Then all of a sudden: blam! The global economy falls off a cliff and suddenly there are a whole bunch of competitors who start … Read more

Product Manager Choices: The Right Way Or The Wrong Way?

Into every product manager’s life will arrive opportunities to make decisions, really, really important decisions. When this time comes, will you chose to take your product the right way or the wrong way? Perhaps more importantly, will you allow your customer to make the wrong decision with your product? A Tale Of Two Airlines If … Read more

Can Product Managers Know Too Much About Their Customers?

It’s sorta the Holy Grail of product management – to become so intimate with our customers that we can almost read their minds. Now while that may sound like a great idea, have any of us taken the time to consider what our customers might be thinking about us doing this? Information Blending: Good Thing … Read more

4 Marketing Trends That Well Dressed Products Need To Know

Every year the global fashion industry rolls out new lines of fashions from famous designers. The world gathers at trendy fashion shows to gasp in amazement as they discover which designers have outdone themselves this year and which ones have gone off into the weeds. Maybe it’s time for you to take a look at … Read more

Is Your Product Manager Resume Blackberry Ready?

When you go hunting for your next Product Manager job (and it may be sooner than later), will your resume be up to the job? Come to think of it, when was the last time you dusted off and updated your resume? Do you still have that quaint “objective statement” or “career goal” hanging out … Read more

Product Manager Resume Creation: Back To The Future?

It is the time of year that a product manager’s thoughts turn to … searching for a new job? During the global recession, things were so bad for so long that most product managers were just trying to hold on to the jobs that they already had. Now that things appear to be slowly getting … Read more