Should A Product Manager Be Batman Or The Lone Ranger?

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Product managers are responsible for making a lot of decisions about our products while they are being developed; however,one of the most important decisionshas to be if we are going to team with another company to develop a product. It’s … Read more

What Product Managers Need To Know About Customer Loyalty

Imagine for a moment that you were inthe business of building walls. Every day you’d get up go build part of a wall and then go home. What if every day when you returned, all of the work that you had done the previous day had been undone? How would you ever get that wall … Read more

Why Product Managers Need To Care About Farms, Fish, And The Mafia

It’s time for true confessions: you play one of those silly Facebook games don’t you? Pick your poison:Farmville, Fishville, Mafi Wars, etc.The company that makes these games, Zynga, currently boasts that they have over 100M users (and that’s just after 2 years). What can they teach the rest of us product managers? Can A Product … Read more

Really, Really Complex Products: Is PLM Software The Solution?

There are a lot of products out there that need product managers. However, there is a special class of products that needs a special type of product manager – the really, really complex product. These things have too many parts and subsystems for any one person to keep straight. Maybe it’s time to bring in … Read more

What “Jersey Shore” Can Teach Product Managers

I am very embarrassed. The other day I was flipping through the TV channels and I happened to stumble across MTV’s reality show “Jersey Shore”. If you aren’t familiar with this show, it’s a reality show where cameras follow around 8 young people who grew up in New Jersey and who are now living together … Read more

Many Happy Returns: How Product Managers Can Make Product Returns Work For Them

Every product manager likes to think that once their customer has purchased their product, that’s the end of the story. The reality is just a bit different: for a whole bunch of reasons, our customers can change their mind about buying our product and decide to return it. What’s a product manager to do when … Read more

3 Skills That Most Product Managers Are Missing

I’m guessing that you wouldn’tgo to work naked. Then why-oh-why are heading off to your product management job when you don’t have all of the skills that you’ll need to do the job correctly? I’m not sure if this is going to make you feel any better, but it turns out that most product managers … Read more

3 Big Secrets For Small (Niche) Products

When a product manager finds himself / herself in charge of a product that is targeted towards a niche segment, they have to change how they mange the product. A lot of things that may not matter for a mainstream product matter a great deal when you have a smaller target market. Let’s take a … Read more

2 Guaranteed Ways To Make Your Niche Product A Success

In this age of social media and short customer attention spans, product managers who are responsible for niche products are living in both the best of times and the worst of times. On one hand they have fantastic new ways of reaching out to their specific customers while on the other hand all of the … Read more

Product Manager: Don’t Step On Your Long Tail…!

If you want to sell a lot of your product, where is the best place to try to sell it? Would it be better to go to a crowed market where there are lots of people but also lots of other product managers with similar products? Or would it be better to go into a … Read more