The UFC Teaches Product Managers How To Fight For Their Product

Product pricing? How boring. Working with development teams? Yawn. Mixed Martial Arts fighting inside of an 18′ chain-link fence — bring it on! I recently had a chance to watch the Ultimate Fighting Championship’s (UFC) broadcast of UFC 128 – a pay-for-view fight between 10 different men. In the end, I had seen a lot … Read more

Product Managers Know That Pricing Is All About The Presentation

How to correctly price a product has always been a bit of a black art for most product managers. The goal is to not price a product so high that nobody is willing to buy it, while at the same time not pricing it so low that you end up leaving money on the table. … Read more

Free Information On How You Can Be A Better Product Manager

How much would you pay to become a better product manager in a single day? Can you imagine the impact that that kind of new knowledge could have on your career? The challenge has always been that none of us seem to ever have the time that we need in order to become better product … Read more

Free Training For Product Managers In Washington DC: ProductCamp DC

I was quietly minding my own business the other day when Alicia Dixon reached out to me via email and asked me if I’d be willing to help her to get the word out about some upcoming free Product Management training that’s going to be held in Washington, D.C. I’m always a sucker for free … Read more

Product Managers Learn How To Make YouTube Work For Their Product

Who hasn’t heard of YouTube by now? It’s that Google owned web site where anyone can upload videos that they’ve made to share with the world. Every once in awhile a video will “go viral” and literally millions of people will take time out of their day to visit the YouTube web site and spend … Read more

Really Expensive Watches Need Product Managers Too

Take a look at your wrist – are you wearing a watch? These days a lot of us have foregone watches because now we have cell phones that seem to always know what time it is. However, there is another group of people who wouldn’t be caught dead without having a watch on. In fact, … Read more

Product Managers Want To Know: What Happened To The Microsoft Kin Phones?

Gone in 48 days. Ouch – that’s got to be some sort of record. As product managers we try to do all of the right things when we’re handed the responsibility of birthing a new product: determine what our customer’s needs are, understand the competition, calculate costs and price points, and create clever tag lines … Read more

What A High-End NYC Salon Can Teach Product Managers

Just imagine the perfect world for a product manager: you have you choice of high end customers, they really don’t care just how expensive your product is – they feel that they must have it at any price, and your sales are virtually global recession-proof. Sound impossible? Well it’s not for one high-end New York … Read more

Product Mangers Need To Do A Better Job Of Being Professional On Conference Calls

Ah, conference calls / video calls – it’s a love / hate relationship that product managers have with this staple of the 21st Century workplace. Sure they are a great way to pull together a team that is working remotely, even in other countries, but there sure are a lot of drawbacks to trying to … Read more