Maybe What’s Wrong With Your Product Is How You Ship It?

As product managers, I think that we all realize that in order for our product to be a success, it has to make money for the company. In order for this to happen, people have to buy the product for more than it costs the company to make and deliver the product. We product manager … Read more

What Can Product Managers Learn From Dating Apps?

I can only speak for myself, but during the course of my career I have been the product manager for a number of very boring applications. You know, business-to-business stuff. Back in the day as I worked on my product development definition, how I dreamed of being responsible for a product that had millions of … Read more

What Is A USP And Why Is It Important To Product Managers?

Congratulations, you are managing a good product. It might even be a great product. However, when it comes time for one of your potential customers to pick a product to solve their problem, why should they choose yours over all of the other options that they have? The Power Of A USP Trying to figure … Read more

Product Management Basics: The 5 Steps Of Buying

As product managers it can be all too easy to get caught up in the fancy and complicated parts of our job. You know, things like product release maps, feature planning, metrics, crafting a complete product development definition, etc. However, sometimes it is worth it to take a step back and make sure that we … Read more

Can TV Product Managers Win The Fight Against The Internet?

So it turns out that the world of television is ruled by advertising. The more ads that you can sell, the more money you make and the more television programs you can both make and broadcast. Back in the day, television product managers ruled the world. Nobody else could compete with the number of potential … Read more

Will Offering Breakfast All Day Help To Save McDonalds?

The product managers over at McDonalds have a problem on their hands. Yes, they are working for one of the world’s most successful restaurant companies. Yes, there sure seems to be a McDonald’s restaurant on just about every corner in every town everywhere. However, lately the company has been making less money. Even when you … Read more

The Problem That Product Managers Have With “New”

When you take a look at your product, what do you think about it? Are you sad that your product is not a shiny new product? Do you wish that you were in charge of managing a cutting edge product that was just bursting on the market? I’m pretty sure that at one time or … Read more