Can Product Managers Drive Product Innovation & Boost Quality At The Same Time?

How are you at walking and chewing gum at the same time? It’s sorta a classic challenge – do two different things simultaneously and do them well. Product managers are facing the challenge today – cut the cost of their product and simultaneously use innovation in order to make their product more competitive. How hard … Read more

How Yahoo Product Managers Are Kicking Google’s Butt

If you had the choice of being a product manager at either Yahoo or Google, which company would you choose? I’m going to go out on a limb and say that most of us would choose to work at Google. The press is filled with glowing stories about how great everything that Google touches is. … Read more

You Don’t Do A Good Job At Multitasking Product Manager, Get Over It

Too little time, too much to do. Does that adequately describe your product manger job? I don’t know about you, but often is the time that I’ve looked with envy at my peers who are great multitaskers and wished that I could be more like them. It turns out that I was wishing for the … Read more

5 Reasons Fake Products Are A Real Product Manager Problem

When a product manger’s birthday rolls around and before he / she gets a chance to blow out the candles on their birthday cake, it is customary that they make a wish. Guess what just about all product mangers wish for every year? If you guessed “for my product to be successful”, then you guessed … Read more

How Can Product Mangers Mange People?

So what do product mangers mange? Generally I’d agree with you if you answered “products“; however, I’ve been giving this some thought and I think that we’re missing the mark if that’s our answer. If you think about it, what we really spend our time doing is managing people and hoping that they will help … Read more

Video Game Industry Lessons For Product Managers

So I can only speak for myself, but back in the day I used to be quite good at video games – you know, the big stand alone game units that you could only find in arcades. Since then, I’ve tried to keep up with the home game consoles, but I must confess to having … Read more

Offering Extra Services Can Get Product Managers Through Tough Times

It’s time for some creative product manager thinking. Times are tough, our customers are strapped for cash and yet we’d like to keep sales of our products at least at where they are if not boost them a bit. No matter if your product is a service or a “real” product, there’s something that you … Read more

Performance Based Pricing – Is It Right For Product Managers In Tough Times?

Not to get too doom and gloom on you or anything, but how is your product doing these days? Sales a bit down? Sales fallen off a cliff? Desperate times call for desperate measures and I’m willing to bet that you are starting to get some pressure from upstairs / sales to start slashing your … Read more

Pay Attention Product Manager!

So what things are demanding your attention even as you read these words: emails, Web sites, your BlackBerry, text messages, Tweets, cell phone calls, … So much for having the ability to pay enough attention to get any work done. Wouldn’t it be nice if we knew how to keep our minds on something long … Read more

How Product Managers Can Deal With Product Name Changes

Just image this scenario: you’re sitting there at “mid-sized company, Inc.” when one day your boss walks up to you and says “we’ve just been bought by really-big-company, Inc.” Ok, you say to yourself, how much of a big deal to my successful product can this be? Well one thing that you may not have … Read more