Is The Best Way To Sell More Books By Giving Them Away For Free?

Let’s face it: selling books is tough work. With all of the other distractions that customers have these days, trying to convince them to buy a book, let alone the book that you are trying to sell, can be very difficult to do. In the world of electronic books, product managers are having to modify … Read more

Why Do The Walmart Product Managers Need Their Own Payment System?

Hopefully everyone already knows that Walmart is a huge company. Just about every city in America of any significant size has a Walmart located in it. The Walmart product managers have a lot of different challenges that they have to worry about, but one that you may not have been aware of is the need … Read more

Going Mobile In China: Is This A Good Idea For McDonalds And Yum?

Let’s face it – being a product manager at a billion dollar global restaurant firm cannot be an easy job. Over at both McDonalds and Yum Brands (think KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell) their product managers realize just how important the China market is to their firms. Both firms realize that they need to … Read more

Product Management Basics: The 5 Steps Of Buying

As product managers it can be all too easy to get caught up in the fancy and complicated parts of our job. You know, things like product release maps, feature planning, metrics, crafting a complete product development definition, etc. However, sometimes it is worth it to take a step back and make sure that we … Read more

Will Offering Breakfast All Day Help To Save McDonalds?

The product managers over at McDonalds have a problem on their hands. Yes, they are working for one of the world’s most successful restaurant companies. Yes, there sure seems to be a McDonald’s restaurant on just about every corner in every town everywhere. However, lately the company has been making less money. Even when you … Read more

Falling Stars: What To Do When Your Product Starts To Fade Like iTunes

Can there be any better feeling that that of a product manager who is in charge of a high-flying product? A product that everyone wants and you almost can’t make enough of to satisfy demand? Those sure are great times, but they won’t last no matter how good your product development definition is. Every party … Read more

How Product Managers Can Manage A Shift

Many product managers are placed in charge of multiple products. Often, among these products certain products will start to perform better than others. When this happens, it’s very natural for our focus to become fixated on the products and the product development definitions that are doing well and we start to ignore the other products … Read more

What’s A Product Manager To Do When Your Product Costs Too Much?

Product manager just imagine that you find yourself in the following position: your company creates a great product development definition that it uses to make a new product that a large group of people want, in fact they might even need. Then you have the issue of what price you should sell your product at. … Read more

What Happened To Skymall?

Anyone who has ever flown on a plane in the U.S. knows who SkyMall is. They are the company that provides the catalog of things that you probably don’t really need that gets placed in the seat pocket in front of you. Even in today’s modern electronics age, when the flight attendants told you to … Read more

The Difficulties Of Being A Swiss Watch Product Manager

Do you wear a watch? I would suspect that the answer for most of us is a “yes” (we’ll forget for just a moment the kids who no longer wear a watch because they use their cell phones for everything!) Now, what kind of watch do you wear? Is it a Patek Philippe? I suspect … Read more