How Product Managers Can Make Time Work For Them

Dang – just where does the time seem to go? I don’t know about you but as of late I seem to be running out of time or just simply running behind more often than in the past. I’d like to blame the current turmoil in the financial markets; however, that’s not the problem. There … Read more

#1 Skill That A Product Manager Needs To Have

King Solomon Had The #1 Skill That Product Managers Need
King Solomon Had The #1 Skill That Product Managers Need

Yes, I will tell you what this skill is; however, do you think that you can guess it before I do? I’m sure that you can come up with the standard list of leadership skills that every product manager has (or at least should have): able to deal with pressure, able to lead people, vision, positive attitude, creativity, etc.

However, those would all be good to have, but none of them would be the #1 skill that a product manager needs to have. Give up? The answer is …

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How Great Product Managers Keep Their Perspective

There are a lot of Product Managers in the world, the question is what makes some of them great product managers? We’ve been talking about high-commitment, high-performance product (HCHP) product managers and they are truly the great ones. What makes these product mangers better than all of the rest is that they have found a … Read more

Why Can’t Product Mangers Get Any Respect?

Let’s look at the respect pyramid that, although unofficial, exists in nearly every organization. If we start at the top, then we find the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who are the people who really know what’s going on both in the company and with the technology. These are the people who make sure that the … Read more