Vendor Contracts: Let’s Talk About Force Majeure One More Time

We had talked about force majeure awhile back, and apparently it was interesting enough to catch the attention of one of my colleagues. Phil is a hard-charging product manager who works in the telecommunications space and he just sent me an email that was talking about another story where a vendor had to declare force … Read more

The Secret To Successful Product Management Is …

… leadership. Sorry in advance for this rant, but I’ve just about had it with product managers who spent their time whining and complaining that nobody listens to them. Pretty much across the board I’ve seem organizations where IT Product Managers get less respect than Rodney Dangerfield (on a good day!). In talking with these … Read more

Brainstorming: How To Do IT The Right Way!

If you’ve even come close to a business book in the last 5 years or so, you have probably discovered that “innovation” is what every IT organization is desperately trying to capture, grow, encourage, enhance, etc. Although this sounds like a great idea, and product management is one area that would directly benefit from this, … Read more

Stop The Madness! A Rational Approach To New Product Development

The IT field can learn a great deal about new product development from other industries.This time we’re going to learn from the big drug firms – they make excellent teachers. If you think about it, we’ve got a lot in common: both industries have to make big bets on unproven projects with the hopes that … Read more

Product Manager Alert: Dealing With Hard Core Opposition Within Your Company

We’ve talked about why Product Mangers find it hard to get any respect. Now it’s time to talk about the why’s and how’s of what to do when you run into another department (or person) who acts like a brick wall. Thanks to millions of years of evolution, we are all pretty good at recognizing … Read more

How To Make The Best Product Management Decisions

Warren Bennis is a smart guy (professor of business administration and chairman of the leadership Institute at the University of Southern California). He’s cranked out a book called Judgment: How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls and it has a few ideas that really relate to how IT Product Managers can make better decisions. It turns … Read more

How Do You Know If Your Product Is On Track Or In The Weeds?

As a product is being developed, one of the big questions that a product manager has to continually answer is if the product is on track or if somehow things have gotten mixed up and it’s heading off into the weeds, so to speak. Although this sounds like a simple question to answer, in truth … Read more