Performance Based Pricing – Is It Right For Product Managers In Tough Times?

Not to get too doom and gloom on you or anything, but how is your product doing these days? Sales a bit down? Sales fallen off a cliff? Desperate times call for desperate measures and I’m willing to bet that you are starting to get some pressure from upstairs / sales to start slashing your … Read more

Product Manager Lessons From An Online Company In China

Times are tough. Times are tough all over. This just happens to include China. Over there, one of China’s most prominent web-based companies is taking some innovative steps to deal with the current global recession. What they are doing to stay successful holds a lot of lessons for product managers everywhere. When Things Get Tight… … Read more

Successful Product Mangers Are Good Lookers

No, no, we’re not talking about being physically attractive here – although… What I’m really getting ready to talk about is the secret to how product manager who work in the rough-and-tumble economies of emerging markets survive in the long term. What’s their secret and how can we use it to survive the current recession? … Read more

Product Manager Tactics: Bringing In A Price Fighter

Times are tough. Your product, your baby, is struggling. New competitors are showing up in your market with lower cost alternatives. Try as you might, your sales teams are just not having any luck convincing your customers to shell out the extra bucks for your Cadillac product. What’s a product manger to do? Lots of … Read more

How Product Managers Price Products For Irrational Customers

Who has to deal with irrational customers – isn’t “irrational” just another word for “crazy”? If you’ve ever had to set a price for your product, then you know what I’m talking about. No matter what price you pick (or how you pick it) people are always going to be telling you that it’s the … Read more