Using Old Technology To Win Product Battles

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Newer, faster, shinier – these are all things that every product manager wants their product to be. Our hearts are filled with product lust when we see other products, in our space or not, that have the latest & greatest … Read more

AccPM Weekly Poll Results!

[poll id=”2″] The very first The Accidental Product Manger reader poll is now closed, the results are in, and the winners have been tallied. The question that had been asked was what is your #1 priority as a product manger right now. I must confess that I thought that I knew what the answer was … Read more

The Answer To Your Biggest Product Management Question Is…

47. Well, maybe that’s the answer to someone else’s biggest question, but the only reason that I don’t have an answer to yours is because you haven’t asked it yet. Why not? I can only answer for myself, but one of the biggest challenges that I’ve always had as a product manager is finding other … Read more

5 Reasons Fake Products Are A Real Product Manager Problem

When a product manger’s birthday rolls around and before he / she gets a chance to blow out the candles on their birthday cake, it is customary that they make a wish. Guess what just about all product mangers wish for every year? If you guessed “for my product to be successful”, then you guessed … Read more

New! AccPm Weekly Poll – Make Your Voice Heard!

You’ve got opinions, lots of ’em, but nobody at work (or at home) really cares to hear what you think about product management. Well good news, that all changes as of today: announcing the brand new The Accidental Product Manager weekly poll. Unlike those annoying old ladies who come up to you in the mall … Read more

How Can Product Mangers Mange People?

So what do product mangers mange? Generally I’d agree with you if you answered “products“; however, I’ve been giving this some thought and I think that we’re missing the mark if that’s our answer. If you think about it, what we really spend our time doing is managing people and hoping that they will help … Read more

Breakeven Analysis Is A Product Manger’s Secret Weapon

Product managers know that how they price their products can be the difference between runaway success and total failure for their products. However, knowing this and knowing how to price well are two completely different things. In fact, there is often a great deal of outside pressure on product mangers to change their product’s price … Read more

Next Edition Of Newsletter Almost Ready!

Just a quick head’s up for those of you who are looking to become better product managers – the September edition of The Accidental Product Manager is almost ready to ship! This time around we’ll be dealing with a product manager’s two biggest problems: dealing with sales and product pricing. You’re not going to want … Read more

Video Game Industry Lessons For Product Managers

So I can only speak for myself, but back in the day I used to be quite good at video games – you know, the big stand alone game units that you could only find in arcades. Since then, I’ve tried to keep up with the home game consoles, but I must confess to having … Read more

Are You Cut Out To Be A Product Manger?

  Jeff Vance over at Sandstorm Media talked with me to get some inputs for an article that he was writing for the Project Manager Planet site. Yeah, yeah – I know that we’re Product Mangers not Project Managers. However, Jeff did a very good job of capturing a lot of what makes our job … Read more