Thank you very much for signing up for The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter.
Just by taking this simple step, you’ve already taken the first step in moving your product management career to the next level. I’m going to be sending you a separate email that gives you all of the information that you need in order to download all of the free stuff that I’ve promised you for signing up. I’ll also be sending you the next monthly newsletter shortly.
If you have just a moment, I’ve got one quick question for you. The blog, the newsletter, and everything else that I do is all done with one goal in mind — to make you a better product manager.
The only problem with this is that you and I haven’t had a chance to sit down and have a talk. If we had, then I would have asked you what’s the one thing about product management that you’d like to know more about?
This could be anything from how to launch a new product, pricing, or all of those other little things like how to create really good product requirements. Give it a thought and once you’ve come up with what you’d tell me, then tell me! Click on this link and send me a quick email with your thought. I’ll reply to it and you will have helped me to make The Accidental Product Manger just a little bit better!
Welcome to The Accidental Product Manager family!
– Dr. Jim Anderson