So I’m going to guess that you are pretty comfortable with your product by now. You know what it does, you know what it doesn’t do. You feel that you’ve got a pretty good grasp of how your customers view your product. Maybe that’s a problem. Is it time for you to shake things up a bit and redesign your product’s logo?
About That Logo
Not every product has a logo; however, they all should. If you are lucky enough to be in charge of a product that has a logo (or will be someday), then you’ll have to redesign the logo sometime. The most common time that logo changes are considered is when a product’s name is changed. However, even if this is not the case, then the question that you’ve got to be asking yourself is “is this logo working for me?” If your logo has lost its appeal and is no longer being noticed by your customers, then perhaps it’s time to consider a change.
What Needs To Go?
Every logo redesign needs to reflect the current times. Bill Marsh over at the New York Times has looked into what other companies are doing and he’s got some tips for product mangers everywhere. In these tough times, companies that have company or product names that are all UPPER CASE are redesigning their logo to include lower case letters in order to come across as being more friendly.
Extras That Help A New Logo
As with everything in life, just changing letters to lower case isn’t enough these days. You still have to pick your colors. John Bredenfoerder is a color expert and he says that colors that communicate joy and happiness are “in” right now – what better way to uplift people during hard economic times?
Additionally, companies have all flocked to the color green in order to communicate how “eco-friendly” their products are, no matter what the product is! Additional current color favorites include electric blue, school bus yellow, and of course, red, purple, orange and green.
Final Thoughts
A logo is not going to sell your product. Instead, your product’s features, your customer service, and the price will be what makes up your customer’s mind. However, while the customer is shopping around, a well designed logo can be the thing that sticks in their mind and causes them to come back to your product for another look. Perhaps a logo redesign is just what you need in order to make your product fantastically successful…!
Questions For You
Are you happy with your product’s / company’s current logo? If you could redesign the text, how would you change it? Why? What changes would you make to it graphics? What colors would you use? Why? Leave me a comment and let me know what you are thinking.
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What We’ll Be Talking About Next Time
In this crazy mixed-up world that we live in, it’s the words that can often trip us up. For those of us who’s products are software products, often our products come with some carefully chosen words that inform our customers that we have not “sold” them our product, but rather we have “licensed” it to them. What’s the difference?
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